art in architecture

Sakura Nabo Gaß

In rooms flooded with natural light, the windows and doors provide space for glass art
Together with our clients, the Uferatelier creates individual solutions for the design of living spaces.
The front door, the gateway to a home, is a perfect place to narrate something about the house and its occupants.
Such as the illustration of the family name, as the designed glass door “Stork’s Nest”, or the door “Encounter” with its sidelights, which symbolically convey the meeting of two individuals.
The images often have a correlation to the home’s surroundings. The piece „Sakura“, for example, comes to life through the garden tree in front of the kitchen window, complementing it with glass branches and pink and white cherry blossoms. The balcony railing „At the River Bank“ shows a photorealistic image of the river flowing by the house. The railing turns into a quay wall, with a girl whose eyes follow the stream. Very personal is the glass door „Lunar Eclipse“. Here, a couple remembers the shared experience of this natural phenomenon, at the same time, but in two different locations, apart from one another.

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