In addition to the pictures, 3-dimensional glass objects and sculptures are also created in the Uferatelier.
In his most recent works, Nabo works with young glassblowers from the Institute for Artistic Ceramics and Glass at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences (IKKG). For the “Liberation” series, the artist links steel cables in concentric rings through which hot glass is blown. In the viscous-liquid state, the glowing mass penetrates the free spaces between the ropes and solidifies into fascinating shapes when it cools. Not all attempts succeed in surviving the act of liberation unscathed, but wherever it succeeds, unique steel-glass sculptures are created that noticeably carry the tension of the process of creation.
The so-called Short Moments are glass objects that are created in the artist’s fusing furnace. Discs painted with glass flour are folded in the oven over high heat. Only if the artist manages to shape the glowing material in a few seconds in such a way that the glass does not touch at any point, a short moment succeeds that, after cooling, retains its shape and does not break.
Nabo’s sculptures are created under great tension and everyone who survives the dangerous process is fascinating and unique.